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Business Conduct & Compliances


In furtherance of the principles of action, this code of business conduct is designed to set certain standards of conduct for all employees and officers of Kranboll as well as all customers/clients or its various entities such as representatives, agents and consultants. These rules do not cover every issue that may arise but set out basic principles to guide all employees and officers in carrying out their business duties. These rules are to be adapted, as the case may be, depending on local laws and regulations or should local codes of business conduct apply. However, if a local custom or policy conflicts with the code, the employee or officer must comply with the code. If any aspect of the code is unclear or is not precise enough, the employee should ask his/her supervisor as to how to handle the situation. Finally, because certain principles set out in the code are derived from legal and regulatory duties, failure to comply with certain aspects of the code could subject the offender to civil or even criminal liability.

Compliance with Laws and Regulations

Compliance with the law is the basic principle underlying the company’s policies. All employees and officers are expected to respect and comply with laws and regulations that apply to him/her. As a result of its presence in four countries throughout the world, the company’s operations are subject to the laws and regulations of these countries. Furthermore, the company has taken certain commitments at an international level in relation to compliance and promotion of guidelines such as the protection of human rights, freedom of association, elimination of forced labour, abolition of child labour, and elimination of discrimination in the field of labour and sustainable development. Although not all employees and officers are expected to be specialised in the various laws and regulations that apply to her/his business activities, it is important to know enough to determine when to seek advice from colleagues or third parties.

<br>Kranboll will

  • Comply with all relevant laws and regulations of the jurisdictions where we do businesses, including international laws, and act in accordance with good integrity; and
  • Be aware of our corporate social responsibility, and perform fair and transparent business activities.

  • Be aware of our corporate social responsibility, and perform fair and transparent business activities.
For Customers/Clients Execute appropriate agreement with our customers/clients and provide systems and services pursuant to the agreement; thoroughly manage customers/clients information in accordance with the agreement.
To Competitors Restrict ourselves from performing any acts that would impede market competition, including defamation, dumping, cartels, and other unfair/anti- competitive conducts, and perform fair and free competition.
To Suppliers Comply with relevant laws and regulations applicable to transactions with suppliers, and observe agreements with suppliers.
To Government Not provide any gift or hospitality against our policy or applicable laws, nor conduct any act that would be suspected of corruption; not involved in any bribery with government officials in any manner and in any jurisdictions.
To Society Actively undertake social contribution, such as volunteer or other community activities, to fulfil our responsibility as a good corporate citizen.

Anti Bribery and Corruption Policy

Kranboll is committed to applying the highest standards of ethical conduct and integrity in its business activities. Every employee and individual acting on the company’s behalf is responsible for maintaining the company’s reputation and for conducting business honestly and professionally. The company considers that bribery and corruption has a detrimental impact on business by undermining good governance and distorting free markets. The company benefits from carrying out business in a transparent and ethical way. The company does not tolerate any form of bribery, whether direct or indirect, by or of its employees, officers, agents or consultants or any persons or companies acting for it or on its behalf. The board and senior management are committed toimplementing and enforcing effective systems to prevent and eliminate bribery, inaccordance with the set of Bribery Act. Employees and others acting for or on behalf of the company are strictly prohibited from making, soliciting or receiving any bribes or unauthorised payments. As part of its anti-bribery measures, the company accepts transparent, proportionate, reasonable and bonafide hospitality and promotional expenditure, whether given or received. A breach of these policies by an employee will be treated as grounds for disciplinary action. Employees and other individuals acting for the company should note that bribery is a criminal offence that may result in imprisonment and/or an unlimited fine for the individual and an unlimited fine for the company. The company will not conduct business with customers, clients, service providers, agents or representatives that do not support appropriate anti bribery and corruption objectives.