How do you get the most from your cement plant? With plant managers around the world chasing sustainability and productivity goals, the number one word on everyone’s lips is optimisation. Make more of your equipment; get more from your resources. And at the same time cut costs, reduce the clinker factor and minimise energy consumption.
Achieving all of these goals can feel impossible. But with the right services, we can get you there, maximising equipment performance with a best practice operations and maintenance approach, streamlining productivity using digital tools to enhance efficiency and transferring knowledge and skills along the way.
We know that all machines need maintenance – but you can limit the cost and disruption of downtime by being prepared. Get ahead on shutdown and spare parts planning with inspections that help identify performance gaps, risks and opportunities. And, when shutdowns are needed, our repair and refurbishment services draw on decades of experience to help you achieve optimum cost-effectively.
Discover your cement plant’s potential
Achieving optimum plant performance requires an attentive approach to plant operations and maintenance. Our services provide both the insight and experience to deliver on your plant’s potential.
End to End Cement plant procurement
We service the full flowsheet of cement plant equipment, spare parts and consumables for all processes.
Featured products
HVAC & REFrigeration
Regulating and preserving the climate control and airflow of the systems in play