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Business Continuity Plan

The purpose of this plan is to provide a flexible response so that Admin, Logistic, and the Trading team can:
  • Respond to a disruptive incident (incident management).
  • Maintain delivery of critical activities/services during an incident (business continuity).
  • Return to ‘business as usual’ (resumption and recovery).

Plan Remit

The following services are covered by this Plan:
  • Admin team
  • Logistics team
  • Trading team
The following functions are covered by this Plan:
  • The provision of Administrative, Logistics, Trading team support to the service, wherever required.
  • Management of the Director’s diary, in terms of scheduling meetings etc.


This Plan will be activated in response to an incident causing significant disruption to normal service delivery/business, particularly the delivery of key/critical activities. Examples of circumstances triggering activation of this Plan include:
  • Loss of key staff or skills e.g. above normal levels of absenteeism due to illness.
  • Loss of critical systems e.g. ICT failure.
  • Denial of access, or damage to, facilities e.g. loss of a building through fire.
  • Loss of a key resource e.g. a major supplier vital to the delivery of a key service.
  • Natural calamities.

Responsibility For Activation

Chief Executive GHANA
Director GHANA
Business Manager GHANA

Process For Activation

Business Continuity

Communication Actions

In the event of an incident and this plan being activated, the following people should be contacted. Nature of contact will depend on the incident type and time it has occurred. Contact Details

  1. Chief Executive
  2. Business Manager

The purpose of the business continuity phase of response is to ensure that critical activities are resumed as quickly as possible and/or continue to be delivered during the disruption. The Business Impact Analysis (BIA) for Kranboll sets out details of critical activities and the resources required to deliver them both in ‘business as usual’ and in crisis situations. Above mention teams will give the business continuity that is required.