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Information & Technology

Internet Use

The internet, email id and Computer, Laptop are provided by Kranboll for business use. Limited private use is permitted if the private use does not interfere with a person’s work and inappropriate sites are not accessed e.g. pornographic, gambling. Management has the right to access the system to check if private use is excessive or inappropriate. Failure to comply with these instructions is an offence and will be subject to appropriate investigation. In serious cases, the penalty for an offence, or repetition of an offence, may include dismissal. Staff needs to be aware that some forms of internet conduct may lead to criminal prosecution.

Email Use

  1. Email facilities are provided for formal business correspondence.
  2. Take care to maintain the confidentiality of sensitive information. If emails need to be preserved, they should be backed up and stored offsite.
  3. Limited private use of email is allowed if it doesn’t interfere with or distract from an employee’s work. However, management has the right to access incoming and outgoing email messages to check if an employee’s usage or involvement is excessive or inappropriate.
  4. Non-essential email, including personal messages, should be deleted regularly from the ‘Sent Items’, ‘Inbox’ and ‘Deleted Items’ folders to avoid congestion.
  5. All emails sent must include the approved business disclaimer.

To protect Kranboll from the potential effects of the misuse and abuse of email, the following instructions are for all users:

  1. No material is to be sent as email that is defamatory, in breach of copyright or business confidentiality, or prejudicial to the good standing of Kranboll in the community or to its relationship with staff, customers, suppliers and any other person or business with whom it has a relationship.
  2. Emails must not contain material that amounts to gossip about colleagues or that could be offensive, demeaning, persistently irritating, threatening and discriminatory, involves the harassment of others or concerns personal relationships.
  3. The email records of other persons are not to be accessed except by management (or persons authorised by management) ensuring compliance with this policy, or by authorised staff who have been requested to attend to a fault, upgrade or similar situation. Access in each case will be limited to the minimum needed for the task.
  4. When using email a person must not pretend to be another person or use another person’s computer without permission.
  5. Excessive private use, including mass mailing (“reply to all”) that are not part of the person’s duties, is not permitted.
  6. Failure to comply with these instructions is a performance improvement offence and will be investigated. In serious cases, the penalty for breach of policy, or repetition of an offence, may include dismissal.

This policy also applies to all employees, contractors and sub-contractors of Kranboll who: Have an active profile on a social or business networking site such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Skype, MySpace, Bebo, Friendster or Twitter; write or maintain a personal or business’ blog; and/or post comments on public and/or private web-based forums or message boards or any other internet sites.

Computer / Laptop Use

Laptop Usage & Security

(i) All laptops acquired for or on behalf of the company shall be deemed company property. (ii) Each employee issued with a laptop is responsible for the security of that laptop & related accessories, regardless of whether the laptop is used in the office, at the employee’s place of residence, or in any other location such as a hotel, conference room, car or airport etc.

Laptops Out of Corporate Office

When an owner takes the laptop out of his/her office, he/she is expected to keep the laptop in hand or sight, or in a secure and locked location, at all times. It is the total responsibility of the owner to handle the laptop.
Installation of unauthorised / illegal software
(i) Employees are prohibited from installing unauthorised / illegal software on company provided laptops/computers.
(ii) It is also recommended that use of the laptop/computer for personal requirements be kept to a minimum.
(iii) The owner without the prior authorisation of IT department shall not install any unauthorised software like messengers, chatting software or any malicious software, which may cause problems to the functioning of the laptop/computer.
(iv) During the period, when the owner carries the laptop with them it should not be misused for the purpose of transferring data on to other storage devices.
(v) If any co-worker was involved in any malpractice, he/she would be liable for disciplinary action from the organisation.
(vi) No external devices to be used to copy data from the laptop to transmit / transfer to other agencies while on work at their site unless it is absolute necessary.

Theft / Loss of Laptop or Computer

(i) In the event of theft, the employee will be required to lodge an FIR with the concerned police station where the theft happened.
(ii) User will immediately inform Human Resources Department and approach IT department with a copy of FIR for further necessary action.

Termination of services

(i) The employee will be required to return the laptop to the IT department on termination of services with the Company.
(ii) Failure to turn in the laptop may result in withholding payments such as Full & Final settlement until the laptop is returned.
(iii) In the event of an employee absconding or any other unauthorised absenteeism, post availing the facility, the same will be deemed as offence and the Company will initiate legal action against such employee.